build a community

Purple checkbox
Define exactly who you want to help
Purple checkbox
choose a topic that is super painful for them
Purple checkbox
Focus on things that will make yours stand out
Purple checkbox
Build a waitlist to validate interest
Purple checkbox
Nurture your waitlist with hype + value
Purple checkbox
choose a platform (e.g. Circle, tribe, Slack)
Purple checkbox
Create a system of levels to reward members
- Create requirements for each level (E.G. Send
>50 messages per month)
- Give perks based on level (visibility, deals, help)
- create a leaderboard to bring social proof
Purple checkbox
Create your content plan to bring massive value
- Events (AMA, industry expert interview,
community member, workshop, etc.)
- Debates
- Resources (case studies, articles, etc.)
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

build a community

Purple checkbox
Create your onboarding
- Make it frictionless
- Don’t overwhelm with too much information
- make them take action fast (easy actions)
Purple checkbox
Reply to all comments
Purple checkbox
Hire at least 1 person full time
Purple checkbox
Incentivize active members and experts
Purple checkbox
make things simple (e.g. avoid too many channels)
Purple checkbox
Remove bad apples fast
Purple checkbox
Keep up with momentum
Purple checkbox
Find ways to make people addicted and huge fans
Purple checkbox
Create a weekly community newsletter
- Add community digests (summary of activity)
- Bring value
- Showcase members, events, etc.
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

build a community

Purple checkbox
Add new members by batch to increase impact
Purple checkbox
Incentivize referrals, LinkedIn badge, etc.
Purple checkbox
Focus on the most active members
Purple checkbox
Metrics to measure (count + Ratios):
- member/Active member count
- Daily posts/likes/comments/upvotes/messages
- Monthly posts/likes/comments/upvotes/messages
- event attendance
Purple checkbox
Note that:
- 90% of members will be eyeballs
- 9% of members will contribute a little
- 1% of members will actively contribute
Purple checkbox
Give more “power” to the most active members
Purple checkbox
Create habits for your members
Purple checkbox
Build with your members (ask for their feedback)
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy