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The cheat sheet guy
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz

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3 Cheat Sheets

Ways to be persuasive

Learn from the best psychological tricks to increase your impact
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Cheat Sheets
5 Cheat Sheets

$100M offer

Create offers your target audience will feel stupid turning down
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Cheat Sheets
7 Cheat Sheets

Product discovery

Get to know your users better than anybody else and build the right product
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Cheat Sheets
3 Cheat Sheets

Product hunt launch

Boost your product sign ups by launching on Product Hunt
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Cheat Sheets
9 Cheat Sheets

Personal brand on LinkedIn

Generate qualified traffic for your business and increase your impact
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Cheat Sheets
3 Cheat Sheets


Build your pool of raving fans that will grow your business
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Cheat Sheets
2 Cheat Sheets


Increase your conversions with copywriting
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Cheat Sheets
3 Cheat Sheets

Landing pages

Create landing pages that convert visitors into loyal customers
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8 Cheat Sheets

Getting more replies

Create cold outreach campaigns that get positive replies
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3 Cheat Sheets

Sales calls

Qualify leads and convert them into long-term clients
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2 Cheat Sheets

Defining your targets

Focus on targeting the right people for your business
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1 Cheat Sheet

LinkedIn for sales

Turn LinkedIn into your Sales machine
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4 Cheat Sheets

Lead generation

Find your leads' valid contact information
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4 Cheat Sheets

Cold email subject lines

Make your email stand out from the crowd & start more conversations
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3 Cheat Sheets

Cold email deliverability

Skip the spam folder & consistently get 60% to 90% open rates
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Cheat Sheets

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Every week I'm working to create new Cheat sheets and templates. But I'd love your input to make sure I bring you the most value.
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