tips P.1

Purple checkbox
add social proof
Purple checkbox
write short sentences
Purple checkbox
tell a compelling story
Purple checkbox
show instead of telling
Purple checkbox
make the hook intriguing
Purple checkbox
focus on 1 single outcome
Purple checkbox
include what’s in it for them
Purple checkbox
find inspirations from what works
Purple checkbox
every sentence should tease the next one
Purple checkbox
talk about the outcome, not the features
Purple checkbox
write often, it’s a muscle you need to train
Purple checkbox
understand your target more than anybody
Purple checkbox
use simple words, clarity wins over anything
Purple checkbox
ask copywriters / your audience for feedback
Purple checkbox
make your text scannable to improve readability
Purple checkbox
be as specific / tangible as possible, use numbers
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

tips P.2

Purple checkbox
tap into emotions
Purple checkbox
write in the present
Purple checkbox
write the way you speak
Purple checkbox
write to 1 specific person
Purple checkbox
give very specific examples
Purple checkbox
never stop using grammarly
Purple checkbox
replace adjectives for verbs
Purple checkbox
use bold statements as a hook
Purple checkbox
write for a 5th grader to understand
Purple checkbox
call out the exact customer you want
Purple checkbox
use bullet points to make things visual
Purple checkbox
use copywriting frameworks (pas, aida, etc.)
Purple checkbox
challenge yourself to write with less words
Purple checkbox
spend 80% of your time for research, 20% to write
Purple checkbox
people don’t care about what you can do, they
only care about what you can do for them
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy