Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.1

Purple checkbox
post 3 to 5 posts per week
Purple checkbox
post on the same days and times
Purple checkbox
write posts regularly, build a habit
Purple checkbox
always have 2+ weeks worth of content ready
Purple checkbox
save time by scheduling your posts
Purple checkbox
have a place to dump all your content ideas
Purple checkbox
allocate specific times to take this pile of ideas
and turn them into posts
Purple checkbox
find unlimited ideas with this table:
column 1: your topics (at least 5)
column 2: funnel (tofu, mofu, bofu)
column 3: approach (e.g. tips, mistakes, x vs y)
column 4: platform (e.g. Linkedin, twitter, blog)
column 5: post series (e.g. book summary)
column 6: type of post (e.g. carousel, video, image)
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.2

Purple checkbox
play with the combinations the same way you
would when picking a lock
Purple checkbox
example of content approaches
- tips
- hacks
- resources
- ultimate guides
- industry trends
- surprising numbers
- lessons
- mistakes
- reflections
- underrated traits
- how to get started
- fears
- failures
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.3

- struggles
- why other are wrong
- how you’ve been mislead
- make people feel happy
- make people feel surprised
- make people feel inspired
- make people feel satisfied
- make people feel proud
- make people feel shocked
- make people feel conflicted
- make people feel smart
- X vs Y
- present vs future
- noob vs pro
- popular vs unpopular
- role play
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.4

- story
- quote
- build in public
- you are the expert
- you talked to an expert
- you’re just sharing your opinion
- you’re reacting to your experiments
Purple checkbox
Research to find even more ideas
- consume content from industry experts
- consume content from other platforms
- list every single problem your clients have
- list every step your target needs to level up
about their expertise
- go through your target’s journey to their
goals and tackle every step
Purple checkbox
leverage AI to find more ideas
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.5

Purple checkbox
write super short sentences
Purple checkbox
make posts readable (leave some white space)
Purple checkbox
stay reasonable with emojis (1-3 max)
Purple checkbox
make the hook intriguing, tangible and visible
before the “see more” (3 lines for imG, 5 for text)
Purple checkbox
Use carousels to grab more attention (4:5 ratio)
Purple checkbox
don’t make salesy posts, nobody cares
- instead, build in public to avoid this feeling
Purple checkbox
Write the way you speak, write in the present
Purple checkbox
teach something people don’t know
Purple checkbox
give so much value, it hurts to give it for free
Purple checkbox
don’t abuse of engagement hacks (comment to
get a resource) and make sure to give it to all
Purple checkbox
don’t use linkedin as if it is facebook
Purple checkbox
post about things you needed 2 years ago
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.6

Purple checkbox
don’t always create, document too
Purple checkbox
posting Quality is good, posting a lot of
quality is better
Purple checkbox
things to avoid when posting:
- too many hashtags in your posts (max 3)
- tagging too many people, especially if they
don’t engage with it
- posting in LinkedIn groups
- adding external links
- editing your post
- commenting under your post in the first 20 min
Purple checkbox
Do collabs with people just ahead of you
Purple checkbox
get feedback from your targets and creators
Purple checkbox
give resources/templates for free
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.7

Purple checkbox
find a decent picture of you that stands out
and don’t change it
Purple checkbox
Use a catchy banner that tells why people
should follow you
Purple checkbox
Don’t use your company branding, use yours
Purple checkbox
check how everything looks on your phone
Purple checkbox
turn creator mode on
Purple checkbox
Add a link to your bio that brings more value
Purple checkbox
make your tagline about the benefits of
following you
Purple checkbox
your profile is a landing page, not a resume
Purple checkbox
move your audience down your funnel
content > follow >  email list sign up
Purple checkbox
Be yourself and be bold
Purple checkbox
Give valuable resources in your featured section
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.8

Purple checkbox
Know exactly who your target audience is
- their job title
- what they need
- the metrics they are responsible for
- their goals
- what they suck at
- their priorities
Purple checkbox
add 20 (max) relevant people per day
Purple checkbox
comment first under industry leaders posts
Purple checkbox
add meaningful comments under other posts
Purple checkbox
reply to most comments when possible
Purple checkbox
network with people in your target audience
Purple checkbox
add people that like/comment other related posts
Purple checkbox
avoid automating your account for comments,
and invitation withdraws.
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Build a personal brand
on linkedin P.9

Purple checkbox
don’t focus on metrics before 3-6 months
Purple checkbox
identify your best performing topics and posts
Purple checkbox
do more of what works
Purple checkbox
find new ways of posting and test them
Purple checkbox
check and monitor the job titles that follow
and engage with your posts
Purple checkbox
repurpose your 3 month old posts
Purple checkbox
work on your social selling index (SSI)
Purple checkbox
don’t obsess over vanity metrics
Purple checkbox
track conversions to your newsletter/product
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

tips P.1

Purple checkbox
add social proof
Purple checkbox
write short sentences
Purple checkbox
tell a compelling story
Purple checkbox
show instead of telling
Purple checkbox
make the hook intriguing
Purple checkbox
focus on 1 single outcome
Purple checkbox
include what’s in it for them
Purple checkbox
find inspirations from what works
Purple checkbox
every sentence should tease the next one
Purple checkbox
talk about the outcome, not the features
Purple checkbox
write often, it’s a muscle you need to train
Purple checkbox
understand your target more than anybody
Purple checkbox
use simple words, clarity wins over anything
Purple checkbox
ask copywriters / your audience for feedback
Purple checkbox
make your text scannable to improve readability
Purple checkbox
be as specific / tangible as possible, use numbers
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

tips P.2

Purple checkbox
tap into emotions
Purple checkbox
write in the present
Purple checkbox
write the way you speak
Purple checkbox
write to 1 specific person
Purple checkbox
give very specific examples
Purple checkbox
never stop using grammarly
Purple checkbox
replace adjectives for verbs
Purple checkbox
use bold statements as a hook
Purple checkbox
write for a 5th grader to understand
Purple checkbox
call out the exact customer you want
Purple checkbox
use bullet points to make things visual
Purple checkbox
use copywriting frameworks (pas, aida, etc.)
Purple checkbox
challenge yourself to write with less words
Purple checkbox
spend 80% of your time for research, 20% to write
Purple checkbox
people don’t care about what you can do, they
only care about what you can do for them
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

build a community

Purple checkbox
Define exactly who you want to help
Purple checkbox
choose a topic that is super painful for them
Purple checkbox
Focus on things that will make yours stand out
Purple checkbox
Build a waitlist to validate interest
Purple checkbox
Nurture your waitlist with hype + value
Purple checkbox
choose a platform (e.g. Circle, tribe, Slack)
Purple checkbox
Create a system of levels to reward members
- Create requirements for each level (E.G. Send
>50 messages per month)
- Give perks based on level (visibility, deals, help)
- create a leaderboard to bring social proof
Purple checkbox
Create your content plan to bring massive value
- Events (AMA, industry expert interview,
community member, workshop, etc.)
- Debates
- Resources (case studies, articles, etc.)
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

build a community

Purple checkbox
Create your onboarding
- Make it frictionless
- Don’t overwhelm with too much information
- make them take action fast (easy actions)
Purple checkbox
Reply to all comments
Purple checkbox
Hire at least 1 person full time
Purple checkbox
Incentivize active members and experts
Purple checkbox
make things simple (e.g. avoid too many channels)
Purple checkbox
Remove bad apples fast
Purple checkbox
Keep up with momentum
Purple checkbox
Find ways to make people addicted and huge fans
Purple checkbox
Create a weekly community newsletter
- Add community digests (summary of activity)
- Bring value
- Showcase members, events, etc.
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

build a community

Purple checkbox
Add new members by batch to increase impact
Purple checkbox
Incentivize referrals, LinkedIn badge, etc.
Purple checkbox
Focus on the most active members
Purple checkbox
Metrics to measure (count + Ratios):
- member/Active member count
- Daily posts/likes/comments/upvotes/messages
- Monthly posts/likes/comments/upvotes/messages
- event attendance
Purple checkbox
Note that:
- 90% of members will be eyeballs
- 9% of members will contribute a little
- 1% of members will actively contribute
Purple checkbox
Give more “power” to the most active members
Purple checkbox
Create habits for your members
Purple checkbox
Build with your members (ask for their feedback)
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

launch on
product hunt P.1

Prepare the grounds
Purple checkbox
reach out to people who upvoted / commented
similar products
Purple checkbox
Join / contribute to relevant communities (Slack,
Purple checkbox
Reply to relevant questions on forums (e.g. Reddit,
Quora, Indie Hackers, etc.)
Purple checkbox
Purple checkbox
Create a public roadmap
Purple checkbox
Share your progress and keep a changelog
Purple checkbox
Create a community to talk to your users
Purple checkbox
Start a blog and write about your product
Purple checkbox
Ask for feedback ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT
Purple checkbox
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

launch on
product hunt P.2

launch preparation
Purple checkbox
Prepare social media posts
Purple checkbox
Prepare announcements for communities / FORUMS
Purple checkbox
Prepare an email SEQUENCE
Purple checkbox
Purple checkbox
Reach out to your connections
Purple checkbox
find a hunter to list you ON PH (use cold email)
Purple checkbox
prepare the PH post
→ tag line, topics, download link, status,
thumbnail, gallery PICTURES, youtube video,
description, offer, maker’s comment, first com.
Purple checkbox
Pick a date and time (monday to thursday, 12:01 PST)
Purple checkbox
send the ph post + time and date to your hunter
Purple checkbox
Clear your calendar 1 day before, during, and after
Purple checkbox
ask YOUR TEAM TO create a ph account and upvote
other products for 6 days to warm their account
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

launch on
product hunt P.3

launch date
Purple checkbox
add the upvote button on your website
Purple checkbox
add a website banner to your website
Purple checkbox
Update your social media profiles with THE PH link
Purple checkbox
announce the launch with your email list
Purple checkbox
Post in your community + those you are part of
Purple checkbox
reply to all comments ON THE PH LISTING
Purple checkbox
Share the news on social media (you and your team)
Purple checkbox
make your team upvotes and comments
Purple checkbox
Mistakes to avoid
Purple checkbox
don’t spam people
Purple checkbox
don’t reward people for an upvote
Purple checkbox
don’t ask for an upvote, instead ask for a support
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

create converting

Purple checkbox
have a visual hirarchie between elements
Purple checkbox
add plenty of negative space (white space)
Purple checkbox
use 1 call to action (cta) button type
Purple checkbox
use action verbs on each CTA
Purple checkbox
show the outcome in the call to actions (e.g.
sign up → create your website)
Purple checkbox
show features, write about transformation
Purple checkbox
add testimonials
Purple checkbox
Add customers company logos
Purple checkbox
use the same words as your targets
Purple checkbox
show you product, even better if it’s in use
Purple checkbox
use 1 font type and 3 colors max
Purple checkbox
show your price (exceptions can apply)
Purple checkbox
make your website scanable to the eye
Purple checkbox
make “what you do” and “for who” clear in the
hero section, and scanable in less than 3 seconds
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Website pricing
page / section

Purple checkbox
Display 3 plans (depends on your strategy)
Purple checkbox
add a popular tag on the middle plan
Purple checkbox
order from the most to least expensive (anchor)
Purple checkbox
make the plans yearly by default
Purple checkbox
include call to actions (cta) for all plans
Purple checkbox
show a summary of the main benefits of each plan
Purple checkbox
name your plans by the target of each plan
Purple checkbox
add company customer logos
Purple checkbox
show the price of each plan (depends on target)
Purple checkbox
show the full list of benefits in a visual way
Purple checkbox
link benefits to other pages on the website
Purple checkbox
add multiple cta when scrolling the page
Purple checkbox
show testimonials
Purple checkbox
add a q&a section to answer common objections
Purple checkbox
make the pricing criteria clear (e.g. seat, credits)
Purple checkbox
be transparent on refund policies
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Work in progress...

The other topics are coming soon.
You'll get notified via email
when they are live

found value?

If you find value in what I make,
feel free to buy me a drink.
Buy me a coffee button
share with your friends.
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Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy

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cheat sheets are currently
only available on laptops.
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