create converting

Purple checkbox
have a visual hirarchie between elements
Purple checkbox
add plenty of negative space (white space)
Purple checkbox
use 1 call to action (cta) button type
Purple checkbox
use action verbs on each CTA
Purple checkbox
show the outcome in the call to actions (e.g.
sign up → create your website)
Purple checkbox
show features, write about transformation
Purple checkbox
add testimonials
Purple checkbox
Add customers company logos
Purple checkbox
use the same words as your targets
Purple checkbox
show you product, even better if it’s in use
Purple checkbox
use 1 font type and 3 colors max
Purple checkbox
show your price (exceptions can apply)
Purple checkbox
make your website scanable to the eye
Purple checkbox
make “what you do” and “for who” clear in the
hero section, and scanable in less than 3 seconds
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing

Website pricing
page / section

Purple checkbox
Display 3 plans (depends on your strategy)
Purple checkbox
add a popular tag on the middle plan
Purple checkbox
order from the most to least expensive (anchor)
Purple checkbox
make the plans yearly by default
Purple checkbox
include call to actions (cta) for all plans
Purple checkbox
show a summary of the main benefits of each plan
Purple checkbox
name your plans by the target of each plan
Purple checkbox
add company customer logos
Purple checkbox
show the price of each plan (depends on target)
Purple checkbox
show the full list of benefits in a visual way
Purple checkbox
link benefits to other pages on the website
Purple checkbox
add multiple cta when scrolling the page
Purple checkbox
show testimonials
Purple checkbox
add a q&a section to answer common objections
Purple checkbox
make the pricing criteria clear (e.g. seat, credits)
Purple checkbox
be transparent on refund policies
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Marketing
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy