cold outreach
LinkedIn 101

Pink checkbox
Follow linkedin invitation request limits
- normal account: max 100 / week
- premium account: max 180 / week
- be consistent
Pink checkbox
keep your pending invitation requests below 250
removing pending requests
Pink checkbox
don’t scrape over 1,000 profiles per day
Pink checkbox
avoid activity peaks (includes comments, likes, etc.)
Pink checkbox
don’t message people right after they accept you
Pink checkbox
create valuable content to attract your targets
and give you more credibility when reaching out
Pink checkbox
turn off “view similar” in your setting to avoid
having competitor profile suggested on yours
Pink checkbox
turn most chrome extensions off after using them
they might trigger ln to restrict your account
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy