Defining your
targets P.1

Pink checkbox
job title
Pink checkbox
daily focus
Pink checkbox
when they need you
Pink checkbox
pain points
Pink checkbox
what can hold them back
Pink checkbox
end user / decision maker
Pink checkbox
communities they hang out in
Pink checkbox
professional / personal goals
Pink checkbox
value proposition you have for them
Pink checkbox
Stage of awareness of their pain
Pink checkbox
how important and urgent is their pain
Pink checkbox
innovator / early adopter / early majority / etc.
company information
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
net promoter score
Pink checkbox
tools used
Pink checkbox
life time value on your product / service
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

your targets P.2

Pink checkbox
take the “defining your targets p.1” cheat sheet
Pink checkbox
map out your existing customers
(not all your existing customers are ideal users)
Pink checkbox
for each of them, map out the decision makers and
the end users
Pink checkbox
order all of them into at least 3 tiers
tier 1
customers that bring the most revenue
tier 2
customers in between
tier 3
customers that bring the less revenue
Pink checkbox
use this tier list to determine your actions
Pink checkbox
use this tier list to prioritize your actions
Pink checkbox
map the profiles of targets you don’t want
Pink checkbox
Communicate them with the rest of the company
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy