
Pink checkbox
If you don’t think you can help a lead, be honest
Pink checkbox
put your lead’s needs above yours
Pink checkbox
sales is about relationships
Pink checkbox
sales is about listening
Pink checkbox
sales is about helping your leads make the
right decision
Pink checkbox
compete on value, not price
Pink checkbox
if what you sell is confusing, nobody will buy
Pink checkbox
give value with 0 expectations
Pink checkbox
ask “why” - try to find the motivations
Pink checkbox
tell your prospect the price, and then shut up
Pink checkbox
be comfortable in conversation blanks
Pink checkbox
feel comfortable when speaking about pricing
Pink checkbox
the less you care about sales, the more you make
Pink checkbox
rephrase what they want as what you are selling
Pink checkbox
keeping things simple
Pink checkbox
never lie, take the time to research
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold call P.1

Pink checkbox
allocate 2-hour blocks where you only do that
Pink checkbox
find the best timing to call your target
Pink checkbox
keep the bair minimum on your desk and laptop
Pink checkbox
have all the phone numbers ready before starting
Pink checkbox
turn off all distractions
Pink checkbox
record all your sessions to improve
Pink checkbox
know that your first calls will be rusty
Pink checkbox
put your leads in campaigns before calling
Pink checkbox
change the pain mentioned based on the target
Pink checkbox
research your leads before calling
Pink checkbox
find personalization for each lead before the call
Pink checkbox
Prepare a glass of water
Pink checkbox
know what to say if you need to leave a voice msg
Pink checkbox
prepare open-ended questions
Pink checkbox
Prepare for objections
Pink checkbox
have your agenda ready to reschedule the call
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold call P.2
during the call

Pink checkbox
focus on getting an interest & setting a meeting
Pink checkbox
know what you are going to say
Pink checkbox
match your lead’s energy (e.g. tone)
Pink checkbox
smile during the whole call
Pink checkbox
never get on your nerves
Pink checkbox
cap each call at 3-5 minutes
Pink checkbox
have a positive mindset
Pink checkbox
train infront a mirror before starting
Pink checkbox
be clear with your call to action
Pink checkbox
take notes during the call
Pink checkbox
don’t give up after the first objection
Pink checkbox
Stand out from all the other calls they receive
Pink checkbox
don’t overwhelm your leads with information
Pink checkbox
ask interesting & relevant questions
Pink checkbox
repeat the last part of their answer if you want
them to elaborate
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy