cold outreach
subject lines P.1

Pink checkbox
No caps
Pink checkbox
keep it short
Pink checkbox
make it casual
Pink checkbox
don’t be misleading
Pink checkbox
be different
Pink checkbox
don’t sound like a marketing email
Pink checkbox
have a neutral tone
Pink checkbox
make it boring
Pink checkbox
make people curious
Pink checkbox
make it feel like it was a friend reaching out
Pink checkbox
use keywords that will interest them
Pink checkbox
A/B test with personalization
Pink checkbox
Tease value
Pink checkbox
don’t make it appear salesy
Pink checkbox
give a compliment
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.2

Pink checkbox
{{random industry words}} (e.g. sales workflow)
Pink checkbox
{{first_name}} told me about you, {{first_name}}
Pink checkbox
loved {{product_name}}, but...
Pink checkbox
# ideas for {{pain_point}}
Pink checkbox
re: {{project name}}
Pink checkbox
are you coming?
Pink checkbox
Pink checkbox
(No subject)
Pink checkbox
as promised
Pink checkbox
You’re in?
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} question
Pink checkbox
I made it easy for you
Pink checkbox
are you coming to {{event_name}}
Pink checkbox
feedback about {{product_name}}
Pink checkbox
{{first_name}} <> {{your_first_name}}
Pink checkbox
found this about {{company_name}} on youtube
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.3

Pink checkbox
{{goal}} achieved
Pink checkbox
{{goal}} unlocked
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} update
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} insights
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} tips
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} method
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} framework
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} progress
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} milestone
Pink checkbox
{{product}} launch
Pink checkbox
{{product}} milestone
Pink checkbox
{{Problem}} quick fix
Pink checkbox
{{problem}} status
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} insights
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} question
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} strategy
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales

cold outreach
subject lines P.4

Pink checkbox
{{project}} approved
Pink checkbox
{{problem}} expert
Pink checkbox
{{problem}} report
Pink checkbox
{{Problem}} catch-up
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} experts
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} report
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} catch-up
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} 1:1
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} Reschedule
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} optimization
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} results
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} fails
Pink checkbox
{{topic}} method
Pink checkbox
{{industry}} progress
Pink checkbox
Next week?
Pink checkbox
quick win
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Growth Sales
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz profile picture
Kévin Moënne-Loccoz
The cheat sheet guy